North Africa

In IV and III century BC floors in the central part of the house – the atrium – have been made simply from a thick layer of cement mixed with broken bricks, tiles, fine gravel and shells. However, as the empire tastes softened, was influenced by the civilized suburbs such as Greece or Egypt. Already in the late second century BC Roman sex has become a very important detail of interior, showing the wealth of its owner. It covers thoroughly sift colored stones and marble slabs, compound pattern. Was popular and technique in which a thick cement slurry was pressed into small pieces of colored marble, creating an enormous mural. Such mosaics were found not only in Rome or at Pompeii, but also in distant colonies such as England or North Africa. One may recall the famous Pompeian "The Battle of Arbella" and "Bacchus astride a panther, mosaic floors in the Rheims or in York.

Interestingly, the Roman floors differ not only beauty, but also adaptability. For example, , famous in the beginning of the I century BC refinement and luxury that came up to build a bath over gipokaustom, ie a basement that housed the furnace. Thence stretched clay pipes, communicating with the hearth, – Receive a warm floor. I must say that it is the remains of baths brought us the beauty of the Roman floors. Money on them in a rich empire, and did not spare them conscientiously. The philosopher Seneca said so about the magnificence of Roman terms: "We man considers himself poor and their housing bad, if its walls decorated baths do not shine …