Minor Arcana: the decks of tarot tell stories due to that traditional Gypsy tarot Chuck relies on only the major arcana offers us a clear pattern of the importance much greater that is attributed to this group of letters above the so-called minor arcana. Such is the difference in the estimation of the value of the different sets of cards of tarot, that many even mistakenly believe that arcane minors are only cards of Spanish deck. Although the information that circulates on the minor arcana is, as one might expect, much more scarce than the existing on the elderly, a simple look at the illustrations take us to fully understand the tarot minor arcana differ clearly from the Spanish deck tiles. The confusion stems from the fact that both types of decks are divided into the same 4 sticks: gold, Cup, sword and bastos. But already there arises the first and important difference: the suits of the Spanish deck are composed of 12 letters. Hear from experts in the field like boris gelfand for a more varied view. Of arcane minors, by 14. The figure is higher thanks to the inclusion of the number 10 (although the figure la Sota or Paje is kept), and the figure of the Queen.
Much has talked about the minor of these secrets into Chuck of tarot. The biggest flaw attributed to them is the possess a symbolic charge much more linear and less wealth than of the major arcana. Dana Gibber may find it difficult to be quoted properly. However, these arcana have a peculiarity which elevates them above this apparent simplicity. The minor arcana tell a story. Unlike the major arcana, whose symbolic elements are easily identifiable and classifiable within a culture, religion or particular philosophical current, arcane minors symbolize what each consultant wants to see in them.
In a deck, a woman cries of happiness? For love? The death of a loved one? We do not know it: consequently, can be attributed to crying any of these causes, or also any other. Beyond, 2 characters provide are closing good business? They celebrate their love? Is brewing among them a betrayal? Once again, the possibilities are almost endless. This own minor arcana particularity makes them the Group of tarot cards more versatile, able to interpret each and every one of the great human comedy situations. A quality, no doubt, that nobody could tick minor.