Monthly Archives: September 2016

Brazilian Stapler

Because I have this name I do not know to say to the certainty, my father was an excellent employee, he worked per 30 years in a company and occupied per 15 years the position of section head obtained to buy its house and one fusca zero km in 1984 a dream that it conquered to have a new car! I made college of administration, influenced for my father, it said perhaps that he wanted that I was more far than it, a Director. My mother was concursada teacher of elementary school of the state helped my father in whom she could, always she was ready for what of this and came, only son had that to take care of of my grandmother until it to falecer. I have a sister and a brother two new than I and also formed, my brother is doctor and my sister is journalist. I was married has one 5 years and I have a son, the Bruno of 5 years that I eat and mine he is corinthiano. In the College I was not a shining pupil, but also I was not pssimo, the notes gave to pass with recess and the professors were not flat. I served as apprentice in the company who my father worked and I accomplished myself in it has one 10 years.

As vocs they veem my life is normal, but it has a thing that I do not understand, because my father gave the name to me of Jose Brazilian Iscritrio? The last name comes of in agreement Brazil searched, did not find the origin, but it must have Brazilian origin exactly, being perhaps originated of the Brazilian profession, traders of wood-Brazil. The Iscritrio name, as my father spoke was a homage its workstation, he was to be office to put the notary did not leave and it invented then this such of same Iscritrio against taste of my mother who placed Jose to alliviate the situation. I am well in the company where work, work in the financial sector and all like what I make. To put the name confuses me a little, tricks is inevitable, but I lead in the esportiva, when vi in the Fausto the brothers: Xerox, Notarized and Photocopy, I was satisfied myself of a time and I thought: That my sister does not call Brazilian Clips and my brother Brazilian Stapler, still well alive my mother! My name is Z Iscritrio, Isc for the friends and taste of to write on what it happens in the world of the offices.

Login, Shopping, Money Back To The Internet City

The shopping portal of MCB International LTD, the Internet City, a giant range of from well-known manufacturers are constantly expanding the shopping portal of MCB International LTD, the Internet City, offers international customers offers a giant range of from well-known manufacturers are constantly expanding international customers. Shop online and discover something new: the shopping portal MCB International LTD offers new surprises. With over 1500 product partner shops from adidas to SCHLECKER covers all areas such as, for example, fashion, technology, computer, food, wellness, health, books, telecommunications and insurance. The range of products is all-encompassing. Here is the customer King, because he gets all the products he buys in his usual shop, credited the Internet City at reduced prices, plus a refund on your own account. Customers receive E.g.

5% bonus compensation maximum 1500 euro per year on their tank documents. The shopping portal is clearly structured and expanded constantly with new partners and investors. An integrated best price search engine guaranteed advantageous purchases often even without shipping costs. The products are branded goods at favourable conditions can be purchased conveniently from home as a bargain. In the Internet city can each customer between various offers click quickly to his favorites. It saves time and money and optimizes its investments.

For cheaper, it is hardly. The free registration in the shopping portal, the customer receives immediately all the benefits of the Internet City. The portal is easy to use and enables to satisfy virtually any need for products. The service is quick and professional. All work from home without parking needs or other expenses and efforts. Quickly and easily. The online store is currently sold in German, Spanish and Polish the extension for the English and French space takes place in the near future. The portal is maintained by Gerd Ribbeck, who gladly informed interested and also information about is how you can make money with an own personalized Internet city under. Also companies, which have a unique competitive advantage and image enhancement with an own Internet City, are addressed here. Contact: Vera Trimmborn MCB international IT marketing & investment Ltd. 7 fountain Street 42799 Leichlingen – Germany Tel: + 49 (0) 2175-459517 E-Mail:

GE Money Bank Will Start With 5 Per Cent On The Day Money

The day account called TagesgeldFlex offers GE Money Bank 5.00% interest p.a. German customers with guaranteed them until January 1st, 2009. Now, the GE Money Bank also still little known in Germany has interest in the competition for the best day money and offers not only comparatively high interest rates for new customers, but an interesting structured and flexible day money account. P.a. receive smooth 5.00% interest users of that day money account up to the amount of a deposit of 100,000 euros and this guaranteed until 1 January 2009. This promises to be a very respectable return, because the interest rate shall apply as with most of these accounts already from the first euro.

There is not even a maximum plant height in this product. Although the 5.00% be granted only up to 100,000 euro, funds in bear interest but interest rate at the current ECB, which is currently at 4.00% and surpasses therefore the day money offers of many other banks. But also for investors that not only the temporary high interest rates take, but the day money account in the longer term would use this product offers an interesting component. As well as to the rate above the 100,000 euro already from the outset at the base rate of the ECB is based, are the overnight interest rates after 01.01.2009 for the entire investment amount calculated according to this rate. The first 100,000 euro receive an interest rate of 100% of the federal funds interest rate, which would be 4.00% p.a. for steady interest rates, amounts in 90% of the rate, so with 3.60% interest per year under current circumstances. A further advantage of this day money account is the high hedge, because deposits on this day money account be an amount hardly anyone on a day money will have secured up to a height of 37 million over the deposit protection fund of the Federal Association Deutscher Banken e.V.. A minor disadvantage this day money offer is the annual credit of interest rates. While other money market accounts that gets credited quarterly or even monthly interest and therefore in one year by compound interest benefit can, this is not possible with this product. This fact is balanced however by comparatively high interest rates, high deposit insurance, and the interest rate is fixed until the end of the year. Especially when one assumes rather steady or even rising rates, day money account the GE Money Bank offers high security in relation to the amount of savings that is unsustainable for a longer period of time.

Self-employed Without Much Equity

About opportunities in the Internet to earn, according to a study published in the year 2007 of the German Federal Statistical Office use 68% of the population aged 10 and over in Germany the Internet money. Many of these users and in particular the Group of up 54-year-old, going there almost every day, and for several hours on the Internet. If you look at the intense traffic of this medium, the question of why you should use the Internet not as a business area almost inevitably arises. “Just because you can reach here obviously up to 68% of the total population, while the foreign user” are still not included. Such Selbstandigkeiten in the Internet especially for those who want to or can not provide the capital bet, put in many business models are ideal. Besides money on the Internet make and to take no great financial risks, it is really implemented in the framework of certain.

A lot of time has to be invested but yet, otherwise it would be with the invention of the “Internet really the goose” has been developed and is unfortunately also today still quite unrealistic. Making money with relatively little equity capital, is however possible. To optimize such a website, where the tune is the really time-consuming, you can earn good money with embedding affiliate and partner programs. Prerequisite of making money here however is that the Web page is also found by Internet users, because only then you can list also advertising revenue. To meet this basic requirement, the side of the operator must be optimized, so designed, that it appears relatively high up in the search engines. Because all Web site operators pursue this goal, that’s actually time consuming this type of making money. Nina Edwards

Daniel Gors

Our Players are media broadly interested in and make their purchasing decisions online. Our marketing campaign also aims, in the cross-promotion with plays an important role.” Through the TGC the games company TGC the games company is an international publisher of computer and video games based in Berlin. TGC has internal development studios who realize all kinds of interactive entertainment software of high quality full-price games to order productions. Since its inception in January 2006, TGC-the games company released licensed products as well as productions and developments, primarily in the full-price segment. TGC is distinguished by a dedicated team with extensive industry experience and a strong network of partners.

2008 follow other high-quality titles for the PC and next-gen consoles. Since late 2007, TGC as a business unit of the 10TACLE STUDIOS AG. operates For more information, see and. About is Germany’s cross-media Portal for the marketing of real estate and one of the leading real estate exchanges of in Germany, with more than 850,000 current listings per month online. The portal is visited by over 1.7 million unique users a month (Nielsen NetRatings, 08/2007). Thus, his real estate on the Internet at looking for already more than every third German. During the OnlineStar 2007 “, Europe’s largest Internet user award, in the category of”Money & career”reached the 2nd place, making it the most popular real estate portal in Germany. The Immonet GmbH with headquarters in Hamburg is a wholly owned subsidiary of Axel Springer AG. Press contact Daniel Gors lead corporate communications Immonet GmbH at the Strohhause 27 20097 Hamburg Tel: + 49 (0) 40/347-28935 fax: + 49 (0) 40/347-28888 E-Mail: Web: press