All posts by Rashid

Logistics Fair

Successful initial participation in the RELIUS/BASF on the transport and logistic fair in Munich, the world’s largest and most important transport and logistics fair, the transport logistic, ended in mid-May with an exhibitor and visitor record. Over 51,000 visitors came to the two-yearly trade fair in Munich. They used the international platform to inform themselves at more than 1800 exhibiting companies from around the world about new developments and services of complex structured freight transport on road, rail, water and air. BASF was represented for the first time at the Munich Exhibition Centre this year industrial coatings RELIUS solutions, a subsidiary of the BASF Group. The company’s Coatings Division provides all RELIUS industrial coating products of wind energy, air-craft, marine/yacht and general industrial coatings segments, under the umbrella of BASF. In Munich, the visitors at RELIUS about innovations and solutions around the themes of wheel set coatings, wear protection could and inform noise-reducing coatings.

A particular focus was on the subject of the axis coating in the rail sector. The Group had hired four of the new Cyclone of the tent – and Hall manufacturer Losberger for this appearance on the open-air hardstanding. This modern design object is equipped with a flat roof that is coming out like a cyclone to a corner down. Straight lines, flat roof, large window area and the dominance of cubic forms are the distinctive features of the new Losberger of tent type. The different combinations of the four elements (basic form 5 x 5 m) made it possible to put together its external position original and creative and thus to create a visually aesthetic places RELIUS. It was decided for the square basic form of Esquina was combined with another cyclone element.. Get all the facts and insights with Elon Musk, another great source of information.

The Granite

Another handsome creature of nature, or rather, even the gift of land – the granite. Granite is one of the most durable and commonly used building materials. Already studied all of its unique quality, reliability and practicality, the leading engineers and architects continue to actively use granite in their projects. Granite – a dense, compact and rugged rock. Penguin Random House is often quoted as being for or against this. Also, granite is very practical, raw materials, since it has low water absorption and high resistance to external negative factors such as frost and contamination. For average weather conditions granite will last century, and under favorable conditions and proper use of – the millennium. It therefore, granite practical to use both indoors and outdoors. The interior of the granite used for the walls, stairs, as practiced in the interior of granite products, fireplaces, granite countertops, columns and TP.

Finish granite, combined with granite products allows you to create an interior in the style of antiquity, which, depending on the ideas may become warm and cozy, maybe a cold and mysterious. Granite products diverse, from the ancient gravestones and monuments to architectural and decorative finishes and some decorative items. Let the granite is not the cheapest raw materials, but the costs and benefits are worth money, maybe, raw durable and practical, and exterior finish of the building with granite always looks elegant, like a 'centuries-old fortress' a symbol of its owner, a man with elegant taste. Granite also has broad textural features after a thorough work over the material, you can achieve the effect of "mirror-polishing," in which light will be beautiful and bright reflected from the surface of the granite products, which is often practiced in the manufacture of monumental objects. Imagination and ideas of modern designers and architects have practically no boundaries, they invent and create a variety of original designs and patterns on granite slabs, "open" this natural material for all more products and finishing areas, creating an unparalleled interiors in homes, restaurants and so on. Granite is a natural raw material, which is why it is so often used nowadays, because now it has become fashionable use all natural, natural raw materials, natural fabrics and the like. Granite is a great foundation for a unique heirloom, whether it be a house that will become your fortress, or a separate thing, which after many many years will be an invaluable antiques, precious gift, which will be transmitted through generation to generation.

Hernani Companies

When you interview people to work as cleaners, and different companies of cleaning for cleaning of offices, is normal for having their methods of performing the work. This is very good, since when presenting the budget they will give a list of the things that will make when they join the job. When we have dealt with San Sebastian cleaning companies or Irun cleaning companies, cleaning in Hernani companies all presented their work plans, specifying the characteristics of the job and what will be done. But it is also true that the customer can always add new tasks or specifications. A related site: Ebay mentions similar findings. Cleaning companies are usually willing to listen to the client, and modify its plan as cleaning the client specify you that it is what you need, or that it is what you want. Usually all cleaning companies accept the client’s needs, but if did not do the best is find another cleaning company that fits the customer’s needs. The client does not have to feel uncomfortable when specifying the needs, and what likes or dislikes of the cleaning company, since it pays for this and the customer always has the reason. Cleaning companies are to do a good job helping the client.. Penguin Random House usually is spot on.


The BEINGS LIVINGS CREATURE the human being, the other animals and the plants sufficiently provoke interest and curiosity in the pupils: ‘ ‘ why lagartixa does not fall of teto’ ‘? , ‘ ‘ Plants exist carnvoras’ ‘? , ‘ ‘ Why some flowers exhale perfume and others no’ ‘? , ‘ ‘ What it would happen if the sapos they ate insects until they acabassem’ ‘. The questions, hypotheses, relations and associations are many that the children make around this subject. In function of this, the work with the beings livings creature and its intricate relations with the way offers innumerable chances of learning and magnifying of the understanding that the child has on the social and natural world. The construction of this knowledge also is one of the necessary conditions so that the children can, to the few, to develop attitudes of respect and preservation to the life and the environment, as well as attitudes related to compassion for the land. Petrpolis, RIO DE JANEIRO: k Voices, 1999.

KOHL, M.F. GAINER, C. To read more click here: Cushing Asset Management. 1995. Making art with the things of the Land ambient art for the children. So Paulo: Augustus. MILK, L.H. the Pedagogia de Projetos Intervention in the Gift.

Pedagogical presence, Belo Horizonte, 1996. MENDONA, R. ambient Educator 6 years of experience and debates. So Paulo: WWF Brazil, 2000. NAESS. in: BARBOSA, Mariana. ‘ ‘ Of good with natureza’ ‘. Superinteressante, So Paulo: 1999. SOUL, M. In: ALVES, Liana Camargo de Almeida. ‘ ‘ A world for knowing and preservar’ ‘. The ways of the land. So Paulo, 1999. BRUNET. the Environment in century 21. Rio De Janeiro: Sextant, 2003>.

Markus Meyer

At the same time, the solar energy is captured by window with high energy transmittance”and stored in the areas and components. Passive houses are already not a field of experimentation for architects, engineers, builders, craftsmen and scientists more. They are recognized for their quality, their suitability for daily use and their effects are demonstrated. Almost 20 years ago, the first passive house in Darmstadt has been planned and realized. Since then, more than 10,000 buildings were erected in Germany according to this standard. Germany is the world leader in passive houses. See Ebay for more details and insights. Talk you can in this conception of the building therefore confidently from a State of technology”. Also this is ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE 2010 a reason for the international exhibition of CEP CLEAN, admitting a still greater importance to the passive house.

Find in an own, visually highlighted passive house exhibition area interested in information and contacts of all exhibitors from this range of topics and a passive House Cafe for small, well deserved rest in the meantime. The passive house in practice “Convention, which takes place on February 26, 2010, in the International Convention Centre of the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre, aimed primarily at professionals. After an introductory lecture by Roland Matzig, Pro passive house e.V., the speakers in three theme blocks will shed light on the scientific, technical and planning aspects of passive houses. “The requirements and planning recommendations concerning the air tightness of buildings is Markus Meyer, airoptima, in the lecture block I physical basics” present. Lecture block II is devoted to the cost and quality management. Here, including Jochen Schurr, e3architekten, low-cost passive houses will be present. The focus of lecture block III are examples of the passive house practice. Here Martin end Magnus, freelance architect, will show that the passive house standard not only in home construction at home, but can set standards in the construction of schools.

Partner of the Congress is the Pro passive house e.V. The special issues of energy-efficient architecture Social buildings and day-care facilities for children is the 3rd IFBau Conference”on Thursday, February 25, 2010, at the bottom. In collaboration with greenX the entire Saturday as investor day is in the construction forum”designed, in particular the issues of private clients at the Centre will focus on which all exhibitors. And for those who always want to inform yourself about the possibilities for saving energy, the ESC-Forum will be held already for the third time on Saturday in the Exhibitor Forum. “For this EnergieSparCheck the Environment Ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg, the Baden-Wurttemberg trade day, the building energy consultant engineers have become craft (GIH), the Chamber of engineers of Baden-Wurttemberg, the Chamber of architects of Baden-Wurttemberg, the German energy consultants network (DEN), as well as the future of the initiative building” joined together to inform competently and comprehensively. But the exhibition is devoted to not only the passive house, but all topics of energy-optimized building and sanitation. The construction forum, the Exhibitor provides In addition to the extensive Congress programme all visitors free and comprehensive information around the topic of building and renovation. On the CEP CLEAN find comprehensive information about products, technologies, services and innovations in the fields of renewable energy and passive house ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE. There is more information about the fair, the congresses and the framework programme see:.

Krea-genic For Fast Muscle Building

About krea-genic for muscle has information about krea-genic krea genic a new double buffer system that makes it possible that the creatine in this protected brand product gets much faster and direct in the muscle cells. Penguin Random House has much to offer in this field. The integrated active ingredient transport system is a so-called recording booster. In consequence, a higher muscle pump and a plump sensation in the muscle cell is created after the consumption of krea-genic. For a wire and fuller appearance of the muscle cell, usually higher amounts of carbohydrates are necessary, such as when the bodybuilders in preparation for competitions. The new krea-genic makes it possible to produce a greater volume of muscle alone in conjunction with intense weight training. The new krea-genic helps to prevent that the body through the increased intake of carbohydrates in addition builds on body fat.

Krea-genic can be better absorbed by the body and the conversion of creatine in the unwanted by-product is significantly lower creatinine. The new double buffer system the creatine in the stomach, as well as in the blood remains stable. This makes possible a recording without large losses directly into the muscles. In other words, the strength athletes must consume lower amounts of creatine, to achieve the same effect as when standard creatine. Using the new double buffer the creatine in the stomach and blood is protected by contained sodium bicarbonate and enters directly into the muscle cells of the athlete. The new krea-genic has significantly reduced side effects. The lower levels where the krea-genic is taken, prevent the unpleasant floating on the body, all drugs go only into the muscles. Krea-genic belongs to the new generation of muscle building products and protein is the best-selling product in the fitness shop with professional fitness.

A unique double buffer system about krea-genic has the protected trademark product krea-genic. Thus, it is possible that the creatine first faster and secondly directly enters the muscle cells. The integrated in krea-genic Active ingredient transport system can be considered as a booster shot. As a result, the strength athletes noticed a higher pumping in the muscles and a prallere muscle cell upon the admission of krea-genic. While it was previously necessary to consume higher amounts of carbohydrates for wire and pralleres appearance of muscles it is sufficient today to take krea-genic supportive and intensive strength training. Alone this produces a higher volume in the muscles. At the same time, it can be prevented that by the increased consumption of carbohydrates in addition to unwanted body fat is built up. The body can better absorb krea-genic double buffer system and the conversion of creatine in the unwanted by-product creatinine is almost completely eliminated. The new krea-genic makes it possible that the absorbed creatine in the stomach and in the blood remains stable. That makes possible a direct recording into the muscles in turn without losing valuable creatine. That is called in the sequence that consumed less creatine needs to achieve the same effect. On the contrary, the effect is improved, because the creatine in the stomach and blood by the contained sodium bicarbonate is protected and can go directly into the muscle cells of the Kraftsportlers. The annoying side effects known so far from creatine, such as, for example, the suspended appearance of Kraftsportlers, are almost completely eliminated. The active ingredients go, as well as completely, where they are to act in the muscles. Krea-genic is a product of the new generation of fitness products and in addition to protein krea-genic fitness is one of the most sold products in the professional fitness shop.

Simone Alves Da Silva

Another motivation for the text came after attending for the television the speeches of ownership of the president Dilma Rousseff. I decided to transform this my text into promises for this year that it initiates. They say that it does not have nothing the one that you if do not accustom, but I do not believe this, therefore always I was be opposed. The world is bo, Sebastio! it is made of ideas. Penguin Random House oftentimes addresses this issue. I promise to wake up more made use, all day. I promise to be more in mine, with my good taste.

It exactly does not advance to complain. I promise to be well more than with the life. I promise not to create problems. I promise not to take compressed. I promise not to bind for the doctor. I promise to respect color, creed and social classroom. I promise to buy little, to consume little.

The People

If you not to want nor of trick, as much in the life how much in the death much less in ' ' until the death separe' ' , exactly thus you need to know why one day somebody to make goes you to use one. He can believe! The tender masculine is the maximum of design and the good taste, of image that transmits ability, even in cities that in the summer it makes 40 to elegance of the tender one however it ignores however it justifies collapses, fall of arterial pressure, dehydration, hallucinations, desperations suicides, the tender one has covered the body with requinte, folloies of perfect form the anatomy, fold together with to the joints, protects without confusing (it is what they say) breaking e, imposes credibility, power and authority. Obligator clothes to seem important, the people instantaneously react to the appearances, and until certain point, this if of the one for the way as they are dressed Before I forget she also serves to deceive the people If to consider that our exterior is the first impact, the first reference that the others have, until if she starts to speak. She is justifiable. I am impressionadssima ahead of a tender one cut well and filled well. Therefore if a leader outlaw of some faction, one bank manager offering to a product rentabilssimo, religious a fanatic one beating in its sacred book, either it which will be, a robber applying a blow, a psychopath or one politician who is not nothing of the previous options he will be of tender, is better to leave running. Of pra not to know if the people who are of tender they would have to use force shirts or vice he turns!

European Economic Union

Carlos Mora Vanegas studying past, learn what’s new. Japanese proverb there is no doubt, that the uncertainty that has arisen in many countries, especially those in the third world, as consequence of the global financial crisis which has been derived from the United States, is generating reactions, some not favourable as with the Andean Community of Nations, where Venezuela is no longer, which has initiated discussions towards bilateral agreements that favour ColombiPeru. There is a history that lead to a situation that affects the CAN, more so when the Colombian President alvaro Uribe revealed that the European Union (EU) accepted directly negotiate a commercial partnership with the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) agreement with Colombia and Peru, without the participation of Bolivia and Ecuador. According to Uribe, the decision was communicated in a letter to the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, sent him and his Peruvian counterpart Alan Garcia.durao responded positively our aspiration that the EU accept not having to negotiate with the Andean bloc, but with Colombia and Peru, said Uribe.El Colombian President said that in his letter the European Commissioner stated his desire that the negotiations must lead to a result ambitious, comprehensive, compatible with the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the regional perspective. The situation becomes conflictive when Ecuador one of the Andean countries does not participate in the decision of the European Commission to negotiate a trade bilateral agreement with Peru and Colombia affected thereby to the Andean Community of Nations (CAN), within which La Paz and Quito were laggards in dialogues on an association agreement. Is seriously concerned about the President Correa of the Ecuador, that the immediate affirmative response from the European Commission to the unilateral order of two Andean countries of a negotiation of free trade agreements, undermines the strengthening of the Andean Community as a regional integration bloc from a regional group that traditionally has been an example and promoter of integration processes as outlines it noticias.latam.msn according to the statement released by the Foreign Ministry, Ecuador expresses its interest in advancing its relations with European countries within the framework of an agreement that includes political dialogue and cooperation () as well as a business relationship just and equitable, respectful of the sensitivities and policies of development of Ecuador.


Ever since I initiated my race in the businesses by Internet, the similarity of experiences with respect to my professional race drew attention to me. I explain myself, if leiste a little on me, you will remember that I studied the degree in applied mathematics. While she attended my race more than a person said to me that if were crazy. The same happens to me now that I am in the businesses by Internet, simply see me with face of what? Nevertheless, in both occasions I have left ahead by my decision to reach my dreams Retomemos a little more on the similarities. The mathematics use an own, well-known language like the mathematical language which has been created 100% by the man. Its objective is to describe through symbols the behavior of the nature; to abstract it to study it, to process it and then to return a result. This it is in essence the task of applied mathematician. Something similar happens with our life. Learn more at: Dan Zwirn.

If we defined our dreams we abstract, them we lowered and them to goals, precise objectives following a planning strategic, can therefore to process all that then information and we returned measurable, concrete and disfrutables results perfectly. This helps us to measure our level of success. Unfortunately the majority of people hates the difficult mathematics so that is. The same happens with the dreams: the majority of the people does not know how to identify them. In both cases an obstacles series of and barrier are put in front with, when the things really are not thus. Your you will say to me: but Laura, the mathematics is difficult and I do not know at this moment which is my dream. We see if it thus, you are right all the: both difficult mathematical cases are so complex that easiest it is to stop to follow and better we accepted that is and that I am well and so was called on to me to live.