Until now the president of the Council of Direction of the General Society of Authors and Editores (SGAE), Teddy Baptist, will behind schedule present/display this his resignation to the position while its judicial future is clarified. According to they have confirmed to the COUNTRY different sources near the SGAE, Baptist in addition has put his position at the disposal of the board of directors of the organization that arose the past from the elections of 30 of June, and it will do the same day in which the first meeting of the meeting is held, that has begun in Madrid past the 16,00 hours. The board of directors is formed by 38 members – seven of great straight (dramatists, composers and coregrafos), 16 of small (composers and authors of music), seven of straight audio-visual and eight of musical publishers; but about 25 have only gone today to the meeting in the palace of Longoria. Among them, the own Teddy Baptist, as president (in functions) of the Council of Direction; Francisco Galindo, Secretary General of the organization and Pablo Hernandez, director of the legal department. No of the assistants has fact declarations to the entrance. Apparently the cantautor Victor Manuel is not in the meeting to be acting in Chile. The musician Sabino Mndez has announced who will read an agreed official notice by the board of directors and that will not admit questions. Source of the news: : Baptist will resign behind schedule this to his position in the SGAE.
All posts by Rashid
North Africa
In IV and III century BC floors in the central part of the house – the atrium – have been made simply from a thick layer of cement mixed with broken bricks, tiles, fine gravel and shells. However, as the empire tastes softened, was influenced by the civilized suburbs such as Greece or Egypt. Already in the late second century BC Roman sex has become a very important detail of interior, showing the wealth of its owner. It covers thoroughly sift colored stones and marble slabs, compound pattern. Was popular and technique in which a thick cement slurry was pressed into small pieces of colored marble, creating an enormous mural. Such mosaics were found not only in Rome or at Pompeii, but also in distant colonies such as England or North Africa. One may recall the famous Pompeian "The Battle of Arbella" and "Bacchus astride a panther, mosaic floors in the Rheims or in York.
Interestingly, the Roman floors differ not only beauty, but also adaptability. For example, , famous in the beginning of the I century BC refinement and luxury that came up to build a bath over gipokaustom, ie a basement that housed the furnace. Thence stretched clay pipes, communicating with the hearth, – Receive a warm floor. I must say that it is the remains of baths brought us the beauty of the Roman floors. Money on them in a rich empire, and did not spare them conscientiously. The philosopher Seneca said so about the magnificence of Roman terms: "We man considers himself poor and their housing bad, if its walls decorated baths do not shine …
Naming Rights
Scientists engaged in research on onomastics and toponymy of the German-Slavic branch. They worked together specialists from the same section Schiller University in Jena. In 1996 they were joined by scientists of the Institute dialectology. Result of the work were the articles and publications in various linguistic journals. Research papers on onomastics covered various factors that influenced the development of proper names, as a linguistic or social and dialectical character, especially their phonology, semantics and morphology, the impact on their formation of geographical features. Scientists were particularly interested in research on the syntax of personal names, as well as their use in various speech situations. Enormous contribution to onomastics made by the scientists of the now defunct West Germany. Monograph Zaybike – the most outstanding work in the field of onomastics.
Work is devoted to personal names, it presented: the terminology of proper names, historical factors, sociological and stylistic aspects of geography, as well as the importance and own names, their morphology, phonetics, and education. In result of all the above, it may be noted multifaceted anthroponomical and onomastic research. Next, consider what there is specificity in anthroponimics German. Naming Rights called anthroponym. Previously, proper names and anthroponomy including regarded as unrelated to each other words that the dictionary, based mainly on tradition vocabulary. And only in the second half of last century vocabulary of proper names have started to study as a separate system. Anthroponimics in the German language has a two-term system that is used first and last name.
Follow the steps of your favorite stars and visit some of the scenarios where major productions of film for this summer have been filmed. Predators / premiere in Spain: August, new 2010Esta delivery of predator, from the hand of Robert Rodriguez as producer, tries to bring as much to the spirit of the original, released in 1987. In this release a group of soldiers must survive to many predators, in a hunting trap. Much of the movie was filmed in the jungles of the island of Hawaii, while certain passages are developed in the Palmetto State Park, McKinney Falls and Hamilton Pool, in Texas, where there are also studies Troublemaker (Austin), used for the film. Prince of Persia: the sands of time / premiere in Spain: May 2010 films based on video games usually do not leave good posed, but this promises to be different and it will convince the most skeptical. Compare prices of flights to London and escape to the world-famous Pinewood Studios, where the film was made. Was also filmed in Morocco, where you can visit the fortified city of Ait Benhaddou, ski resort of Ouikaimeden, Marrakech, and Quarzazate, where the classical wars was filmed, in 1977.
In summer there is a huge range of cheap flights to Morocco, do not miss them! Toy Story 3 / premiere in Spain: July 2010 this popular franchise returns with another launch next month, for the enjoyment of fans of all ages, who may visit the parks Disney of Florida or California and meet the new characters from the Toy Store Mania adventure and take pictures with their friends in this animated film in 3D. Saga Twilight: Eclipse / premiere in Spain: July 2010 based on one of the most successful literary sagas, after Harry Potter, this second installment is destined to become a great success..
Investment Advisor
Afterwards, it is always smarter. For this, you must adhere but not necessarily as a mediator. So a BGH judgment on liability of the investment advisor due to injury his testing duties. Berlin, 19.04.2013 – intermediaries are not liable if later positions of the concept prove inaccurate, that previously were not recognisable in the context of the validation, so the Supreme Court in a recent judgment. A consultancy contract is completed with the inclusion of a consultation between advisors and customer at least implied. From this follows inter alia the obligation to the object-oriented”advice.
Then the investment advisor to those properties and risks of the investment object has to point out, that have important significance for the individual investment decision. Check who an investment a customer will recommend, it must therefore with critical expertise”. Will fail this test, this only leads to a liability if in advance a risk was identified had to be informed about this. The German Federal Court (BGH) now has a “recent decision to position, when as a there are reasonable grounds” is, a risk is identified, is to distrust the information in a brochure so when during a test or in-depth investigations are to operate. Occasion for critical questions to exist if a position in a prospectus is not plausible according to the BGH. Therefore, this test is also validation”called” specialised so lawyer Dietmar Goerz of adhesion processes in the financial service management firm GPC Law. In a prospectus was implausible, so the Supreme Court, if there is no comprehensible reason in the intended investments for this position or whose height apparently moves outside of the reasonable frame.
But positions in a brochure, which are rather insignificant in relation to the total cost must be even broken down according to the judges in Karlsruhe. This applies especially when for the investors in the framework of cost composition before the respective total amount of position of importance is all. Because the total amount was insight which expenses or other soft costs”are costs and how much money will be invested in the investment object, whose market value determines the value of the investment in the main. Irrelevant if, according to the drawing positions of the investment concept prove the investment na, which were previously undetectable. When an investment adviser, for example, not suspected had to huddle up, that a cost item is hidden donations to the founding shareholders. “The decision is once again positive for the brokers of capital investments, so the lawyer of Gorizia. It often happens that mediators be held liable together with the product dealer for problems within an investment, were not identifiable for asshole. This is always a difficult question.
Well Put Money
Sting capital – and cash in an investment, still too few German invest the savings book out. This is strange, finally saving money and finding is announced today in almost all areas of daily life after the value. But when it comes to the proliferation of own money, most of savers shy once targeted assets steeped in return on to confront. The experts of the consumer platform of investment Vergleich.de have studied various forms of closed-end funds, with their help, even small investors can achieve good yields. Their conclusion: No fear of capital investments.
“.” Savings and money market accounts unattractive who parked his capital on day money or savings accounts, not increase it, but it loses even more money. A global, very precarious interplay between low interest savings, amounting to just one percent, and inflation is to blame for this. According to a recent report of the ARD of stock market experts alone the citizens a year lose around this effect ten billion euros. Just the interest rate of the day money account so popular with the Germans, is as low as ever and can daily continue to decline. Also the Festgeldanlage when a credit institution is always less attractive. A good investment, for example in closed-end funds, it currently is the only sensible way that savers can profitably invest their money.
Not many investors fear getting bogged down with a complex product. “This concern however, is inappropriate, because working capital investment in closed-end funds” money of Saver based on very simple principles: the investor a fund provider makes available a certain amount for an agreed period. After expiration of the contract term, he gets back his invested money plus the earned yield. Who so invested in the appropriate investment product with good yield, can enjoy significantly higher interest rates at the end of its term a, compared to the savings account.
Congress Center Leipzig
Firewall manufacturer Adyton convinced Leipzig marketing Club through its innovative communication of the launch system. Leipzig, 07.11.2013. In the context of the 2013 marketing award, the award ceremony of the honorary and special prize in the Congress Center Leipzig took place on November 5. “Adyton system received for his excellent marketing performance savings special award new media” 2013. The marketing team convinced the jury of the marketing Club Leipzig through his innovative use of the media as well as a high level in the marketing of design performance, authenticity in the implementation, degree of innovation, successes of the concept, as well as regional reference. Adyton applied system with its communication strategy for the launch of its next-generation firewall NETWORK PROTECTOR. These will be applied for 2011 in the company and constantly evolving.
Based on the business plan and the target audience Kristin Pressler’s marketing team has opted for a cross-media mix of PR, online and offline marketing and events. In the Online marketing of social media is a high priority. This approach assessed the jury as particularly innovative and awarded him with a special price. We are very pleased about the ceremony. Especially also because previously established and well-known companies were awarded the marketing. The price gives us impetus and motivation for our upcoming marketing activities. Currently, we are working on a fine adjustment of the communication concept and adapt it to the changed market situation. Also we enlarge our team now and are looking for an experienced Marketing Manager,”said Kristin Pressler, head of corporate communications at Adyton system.
The savings banks special new media”was awarded for the first time in the history of the marketing award. The award a total of 25 applications from the region were returned for Leipzig and central Germany, from which a jury of experts, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Kirchgeorg from the school of Economics has identified Leipzig, the winner. About Adyton system Adyton systems is a technology company from Leipzig and has revolutionized the concept of next-generation firewall. NETWORK PROTECTOR offers a complete solution that is easy to use and ensures maximum network reliability using the novel technology of the full positive validation in combination with application whitelisting. Adyton systems uses the latest deep-packet-inspection technology for this purpose. Adyton systems is regional office Leipzig of the TeleTrusT Federal IT security association, bears the mark of quality “IT security made in Germany. about the marketing price of marketing-Club Leipzig e.V. The marketing Club Leipzig e.V. annually recognizes companies, organisations or persons for an outstanding marketing strategy. This marketing performance can refer as a holistic corporate strategy, as on a specific product, product group, or brand management strategy.
CEO Business
For the second time, iQom business wins the coveted Deloitte award after award 2010 is the company in the year iQom business this year again for their services with the prestigious award “Deloitte Technology FAST 50” has been awarded. The annually issued award honors the entrepreneurial achievements of the fastest growing companies in the technology areas of IT, communications and life sciences in Germany. The carrier and operator iQom business continued this year to increase unabated its sustainable growth is impressive 544 percent increase rate determined by Deloitte as one measured at the fastest-growing technology companies of in Germany. In a solemn ceremony on the grounds of the Frankfurt West port the coveted award was presented iQom business financial times Germany, Taylor Wessing, Deutsche Borse Group and DVFA on on November 3, 2011 by the organizer of Deloitte as well as its partners. Michael Weickel, founder and CEO of iQom business explained after the award presentation: “As a technology pioneer, which is iQom business, in two consecutive years to be awarded, underlines the exceptional status of this company in the telecom industry.
With the operation of the own country-wide fibre-optic network at the business level and the unique digitized management system, we are able to offer not only nationwide unlimited bandwidth, but also respond to virtually any type of inquiry now in real time. Is possible around the world to my knowledge in this quality with any other provider.” Deloitte Germany honors excellence in the technology industry already for the ninth time. Around the globe, the award has established itself as a quality seal for entrepreneurial success in the technology industry. For the regions of North America and EMEA there beyond the nearly 500, which honours the best of the national Fast 50 winners. iQom business won also this title in 2010 and is confident the this this year in competition with all European and on the African continent-based technology companies succeed again.
Post Finder
Driver linked to postal facilities in FRIEDRICHSHAFEN parallel to the international held in Frankfurt automotive exhibition IAA is now also the Postfinder of Deutsche Post in automobiles available. This intelligent networking of the driver with his environment allows an individual navigation to postal facilities. The Deutsche Post postal Finder is created in collaboration with the software company of doubleSlash NET Business GmbH in Friedrichshafen. Together, the two companies developed a modern Internet application that perfectly supports the user to quickly find important for him post facilities via Smartphone, mobile phone or PC. The Web interface brings together all customer-relevant information, such as, for example, the locations of stores, mail boxes and packing stations and ATMs of Postbank. Additional information such as opening hours of the respective branch or information about the available services are displayed to the customer. Since early September, this service also in the Internet offer from BMW is ConnectedDrive integrated.
The BMW Group established ten years ago the use of an Internet-based portal on the navigation device in their vehicles. With the newly available applications, the Munich automobile manufacturer offers its customers an extra convenience. The mail application in the BMW ConnectedDrive makes it possible to search the driver from any location for the German postal service facilities. It also works with a site address from the address book of the navigation device. The found address of the establishment of the post can then directly be applied so that the driver is guided to the target.
The joint project of the two companies was the doubleSlash NET Business GmbH slashTalk through the participation of the expert dialogue. While the manufacturer of custom software the cooperation of its two customers of Deutsche Post and BMW supported group through its extensive experience in the field mobile IT. About doubleSlash that net business GmbH is doubleSlash specializing in project business and product development in the field of enterprise software.
Customer Engagement
From Wolff consulting, WOLFF is data. People. Marketing. Berlin, September 21, 2011. Advertising campaigns lead to the success, two different business areas must collaborate efficiently: marketing and it. Because current and complete data are a prerequisite for successful customer engagement, so a long-term dialogue between company and customer. This is exactly what makes the Berlin agency WOLFF data.
People. Marketing, formerly Wolff consulting. Wolff consulting launched over years ten ago as a technical service provider, bridging the gap between marketing and IT. WOLFF speaks data with new name and new website. People. Marketing. now a larger target group and shows its competence in the area of customer engagement. The marketing experts enable successful customer communication based on qualified data.
Data whose preparation, as well as individual marketing campaigns come at WOLFF. People. Marketing. reliable from a single source. Superficially marketing and IT have nothing in common. The Department developed creative Ideas, the other screws”on the technical backbone, internally so that everything runs smoothly. But even if this seemingly it’s two different worlds, advertisers must ensure close cooperation. As a campaign to achieve their target audience, the company needs accurate data of customers and prospective customers. A professional and continuous data management is therefore essential. That stands for the word ‘ people ‘ in the new business name of WOLFF data. People. Marketing. “, explains managing director Sascha Wolff. To establish a dialogue with the customer, companies need to know as much as possible this.” WOLFF data. People. Marketing. has focused on this area. The experts more or less lift data resources; that is, they collect, sort and organize all data of customers and prospective customers. Data from different sources, online or offline, are thereby consolidated and cleaned up. This creates the basis for targeted marketing with high Feedback quotas and a long-term exchange with the customer. Customer engagement for this is the current Buzzword, the also the specialty of WOLFF data.