All posts by Rashid

April Sanchez

This is a good time to show them to other people. Some useful tips for sociable puppies:. Keep them in a room with TV and radio. . Keep a phone nearby. .

It leaves children to raise them. . Leaves that they are loaded by adults. . Let that run and walk around different surfaces. . Speaks out loud and low.

. Leave that other animals (which are reliable with puppies) cats, pigs, rabbits, etc. know them Make sure that interact with your MOM and the other dogs you have. However, there are some things you should not do new puppies:. Do not expose them to other dogs that are not yours until they have all their shots. . Do not carry them to the park before having all their shots. . Don’t let people to charge them without first washing your hands. . Don’t let that puppies are exposed to too much heat or too cold. . Keep them away from doors and Windows. . Don’t let that be about erotically. . Do not move away them many minutes of the mother while they are breastfeeding. . Don’t eat anything other than your puppy food until they are old enough. Raising puppies in the first 8 weeks will be interesting and will consume you time. There are some things that you will need in order to deliver good puppies:. That he is accustomed to use collar and leash. Out for short walks. He begins to train them. Then you appear their first teeth, around 6 weeks, please them canned food and solid food for puppies. Get socialized! Now, your puppies will be ready for their new homes! In addition, discover all the secrets to train your dog with dog training in: thanks and have a great day! April Sanchez original author and source of the article

Behaviour Excessive

This is a query that made me a reader of my blogs about the excessive barking of his dog and I assure you that if you have a dog and you can not stop barking make this information can change your life and bring you much peace. Viviana consulting: Hello Doctor, first thanks for the help and advice you do not give to everyone, are really very valuable and help us awfully. In this opportunity I need help, is I have a dog called Puky approximately 1 years old. My problem is I can not take it out into the street followed by lack of time. Well the problem is his excessive barking, sometimes I'm watching TV and listening to any noise from the street barks and barks strong and restless. Please ask you a trick to remove these "attacks Bark", I no longer barking desperately therefore, is that noisy at home, not to do and neighbors are already too annoying.

It's a dog that makes me so, for example if I ask it feels to feel, if I ask you to come and is coming when I say NO also obeys, but the only problem is its excessive barking when she hears other dogs barking, or when you hear some noise from the street or hear pyrotechnic too, when I say NO barks but continues to bark, if you can advise me I can do please. From already thank you very much. Here my response to the consultation of Viviana: Viviana Hello: First I want to say that although the behavior of a dog not to the liking of its owner or which causes any problems does not mean that the dog's behavior was "abnormal," but can be in this case treated as a "Natural Behaviour" perfectly normal but undesirable and annoying dog to its owner.

Furniture Solutions For One-room Apartment

For the situation usually choose one-room apartment closet, living room furniture, shelves, chests of drawers. When choosing a sofa, a folding preference. Working as a place limited by the availability of computer or folding table. This is the most common set of furniture for one-bedroom apartment. However, with the furniture can be more efficiently use valuable square footage of the room. Cabinet – living room: The living room performs the function room, good fit computer desk, pencil box with shelves for equipment and instruments, a chair for the computer. Cabinet furniture (cabinets, cases) are better placed along the walls, but the main order of their the highest possible, in accordance with high ceilings in your apartment.

The shelves of cabinets of different heights to make better, so you can arrange them in a folder for documents and office equipment. Besides, if you put the cabinets perpendicular to visually divide the room into two zones. In this case, the dark side of the room will serve as a bedroom (sofa set there), and light – turn into an office. Living room – Kitchen: Exit the same – creating a zone for cooking and seating area. In the area of food preparation put emphasis on the dining table. Do not forget to arrange it nicely (suitable tablecloth, flowers) and conveniently located. Beautiful solution here would be a table with adjustable width and height, in some situations, it is suitable as a coffee table or coffee table.

Instead of the heavy chairs easier to put a small wooden chairs. It will save space and not cause problems with their movement. Now on to the shelves: Shelves are ideal for areas with small quadrature. With their help, a room is divided into several zones. In the case of If the windows in the room is not enough, or is the northern side of the house, give up the rear wall of shelving. Also, these structures are very useful when the kitchen is in the same room and not separated from the living room or hallway door. This will help prevent the smoke and steam generated during cooking in a residential area. In addition, the racks can not be on the legs and on wheels, respectively, easy to move around the apartment and every time comply with all the new feature. As for the furniture in the living room walls, then the experience of our parents and grandparents, we know that in a studio apartment they are able to take almost half the space. Sometimes even gives the impression that it is not worth the furniture in your room while you're away from your furniture. Fortunately, today, in furniture fashion for living is dominated by small mobile shelving and lockers, which in turn turn, release the space and highlight the aesthetic tastes of their owners.

Insert Your Gmail Signature As An Image In 3 Steps

Gmail for some time now this part is not only a tool of email free, but it has a great structure for Office, because it has an office equipment, with some resemblance to what is the Microsoft Office, this in free competition with this company, and they are compatible with Microsoft Office products. Giving users an enormous value, because that you can not only use one of these tools for text or graphics and presentations, but you have the ease to share them with your friends, partners or in your own company, without having to be sending by email documents, but that it remains online and it can be edited by any of the users that you have shared documents. Since a few days, the Gmail team already allows users to insert signatures formatted rich at the end of your emails. This is to say that we can add images, in color, in another size or source texts and to justify or align text to get a signature uniform, tailored to our needs. Even getting a format suitable to that usually follow companies and professionals. We tell you in few steps how to adapt your signature and how to add image at the end of all your emails. 1) Access your Gmail email with your address and password. Click on the settings link located at the top right of the Inbox.

(2) At the bottom of the page, you must go to the signature section and select signature if you had it set up before. (3) You’ll see that you can edit text to pleasure and insert images, provided that you have them stored on any server. And it is that Google only accepts a URL, so at the moment, we will not have the opportunity to hang a picture that you have saved on your computer. So the changes take effect, you can simply click on the save changes button.

Select The MFP

The choice of office equipment on the market right now is huge. Well, if you provide clear criteria for selecting the device, and if you do not know what to buy, but do not want to regret afterwards spent funds. Let's try understand the functions of the MFP together. The number of necessary functions. Copier, printer, scanner, fax – this is the maximum set of basic functions of MFP. The printer has the following characteristics: speed printing. With this option, everything is clear: the higher the speed, the less willing to wait for the documents. First print.

The value is not critical for the home MFP, but if you type in the office, the difference in 10-15 seconds will be palpable. Resolution scanning speed and depth of color. Scanning resolution and depth of color determines the quality of the image: the resolution depends on clarity and the depth of color – bright colors image. To get the image resolution jpg enough … The fax machine has the following characteristics: speed facsimile transmission, to a group of standards G3 (which combined telephone and digital communication), the standard size – 33.6kbps.

The presence of a speed dial, that is, opportunity to dial with one button. Memory is characterized by the number of pages of text, which is able to keep the unit. If you important opportunity to talk in person after a fax transmission, you should not buy MFP model, the characteristics of a fax which is marked "send / receive faxes only in automatic mode", or just to think about acquisition of an additional set with the telephone receiver. Paper Input (feed, receiver, additional) and the possibility of single-sheet feed is determined by your needs in print and / or copying. Additional Features: Duplex (two-sided printing) – a very useful feature that lets you save paper and time, can be represented as standard, can be supplied optionally.

Hot Weather

It happens that bulldog puppies, born just an hour ago, tormenting heat. In such cases, wet towel in cold water, squeeze it, spread out and lay on his puppies. They immediately calm down. Do not put the puppy in Open windows on strong drafts and do not send them a fan. If the bitch-mother worries, give it too damp towel and a bowl of ice.

If necessary, the puppies can be laid on a cold towel to three weeks of age. After that, put them in a box with a bowl of ice cubes, and they will creep up to it or move away, independently controlling the temperature. Watch for restless – if the bowl is small, it can be in it crawl. With months of age and up, the heat is generally less concerned about the puppies. Regardless of how you feel, well-developed respiratory organs of your bulldog, there are days with high humidity, when he probably will have trouble breathing, but if he would "blow" a few days in a row, it can come laryngeal edema, and the dog starts to choke. In this case, your bulldog will begin to wheeze, his side will be convulsive heave, language turns white, he refuses to drink or lick the Dead, then, his condition critical and required emergency assistance. If the English Bulldog panting for a long time, sip it accumulates viscous or foaming secret does not cause urge to vomit, and, consequently, hampering an already broken the act of breathing.


Can anyone explain how you feel about your loved ones? The art is also a mystery, nature escapes any definition. I understand that my approach is not at all scientific. juan manuel1 8) When do you think of the best ideas? When intense situations alive. 9) Three creative ideas that you would like to have happened to you. I approach it. 10) When, how did you begin to see yourself as an artist? Fifteen or sixteen I started to channel my expressive needs drawing almost every day, but it came before was a game, gave me nunca.Se raised naturally. 11) Why do so many artists and creators have volatile personalities? The need to show what we do (what we are) reveals an exhibitionist trait that can only be born of a conflict, pain, an urgent need for affection, passions recognition.There rooted in dissatisfaction are very difficult to accept. If you do not go through what we feel that hurts us back into a monster and overflows.

That volatility could be called fear. 12) Do you consider yourself a postmodernist? I see Postmodernism as an age of skepticism, disillusionment, dissolution, lack of collective commitments of ecstasy masturbatory individualistic culture light. A huge ballroom Titanic.Tiene logic, many systems have failed, theories and projects. But do not consider myself a postmodernist. 13) How should one evaluate a work of art? No formulas.Cada one finds his own sense. 14) What is the first thing that comes to mind when you wake up? I try to remember what I lived sonado.La feeling in the dream shows me how I feel, as I am.

Leche Asada

Very good day greetings to all, he was looking for a good recipe and after finding it I wanted to share with you, is why today I bring you this delicious and easy recipe for baked milk, an excellent choice to learn how to cook easy recipes and enjoy with the whole family. This recipe is for 4 people. Ingredients for the recipe for baked milk: 1 large milk Tin condensed 1 large 1 measure of milk cream can (measured in Tin of cream or the milkmaid) 8 eggs drops of vanilla 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 cup sugar (for candy) preparation of the recipe for baked milk: Put the sugar in a pan and bring to the fire to form a candy, being careful it does not burn. Blend the milk with the eggs, vanilla and cornstarch drain into the caramelized mold, cover with paper aluminium and bake a water bath at 350 f for 1 hour or in the pressure cooker, with little water, mold is not floating, for 20 min. approximately. Let stand, cool, remove from pan and serve. Leche asada recipes are some of my favorites, I invite you to visit my recipe and delicious easy recipes you enjoy as dessert recipes and the three chocolate cake.

Chocolate Cake

This tart, for Chocolate lovers, is formed by the three types of chocolate black, the milk and white. This blend is absolutely delicious, especially for those who have real predilection for chocolate candies. The cake three chocolates, there are multiple variants, some of them really treacly. I have chosen this one that I am going to teach because I believe that it is that most respects the flavours of chocolates, without adding more elements that modify its delicious flavor to them. Ingredients of the cake three Chocolates: 250 g of dark chocolate. A tablet of Nestle postres.250 chococolate with milk g. Two tablets of Nestle with leche.250 g of white chocolate.

Three tablets of chocolate blanco.600 oz. nata.600 oz. leche.3 sachets of curd.A package of maria biscuits and a bit of butter to make the base. We will start by making the base, so we blend the biscuits with chopped butter. We pour the result over a mold removable, dividing the dough evenly, and introduce it in the oven a few minutes, up to obtain a cake crispy. To make the black layer, we will put to heat the milk and cream, to which we add the chopped dark chocolate, and will wait that you dilute the mixture. We incorporate later soured, and let it heat slowly, stirring constantly for 7 minutes, stir constantly so it does not boil.

When it’s done we pour the cream over the biscuit base. We will follow the same procedure with the milk chocolate and pour it over the black. When we pour one mixture over the other have of avoiding that is hega a hole inside the first layer, to which will break the cascade of cream by dropping the liquid on a spoon. Finally we will follow the same procedure with white chocolate, and leave the cake to cool in the fridge. I can assure you that the result is absolutely delicious. Search among thousands of recipes, and find fabulous recipes like cake three Chocolates.

The Outlet

The milk of the principle is more watery but contains most of the proteins and sugars; milk from the end of the outlet is less abundant but has more calories (FAT and vitamin content is higher. Both the number of shots the child performs a day, while it invests in each, is therefore highly variable and there is no to establish fixed rules. It is better to offer the breast to demand. A child may want to breastfeed after 15 minutes of having made a decision or otherwise take over 4 hours to ask the next one, although at the beginning, during the first 15 or 20 days of life, it is convenient to try to make the child at least 8 outlets in 24 hours. Nor is it advisable to mother or those who accompany her to limit the duration of each shot, baby is the only one who knows when it has been satisfied and it is important that you have taken the milk at the end of the socket. Ideally, that decision lasts until the child who is spontaneously released chest. Some children get what need of a single chest and others take both. In the latter case, it is possible that the child does not completely drain the last, so it takes the following must start in this. Important thing is not that the child mame two breasts, but empty alternately and complete each of them, to avoid that the accumulation of milk can cause the development of a mastitis and so that the mother’s body attach milk production to the needs of your child. Why is recommended to allow your child to finish with a breast before offering the other.