All posts by Rashid

Plant Lice

The effect of a bad financial planning will be in the lack of liquidity, that will attack completely your survival. In order to draw for it, it counts on a bottom of sufficient maneuver for the first months, avoids superfluous expenses and it looks for financing constantly. To reach liquidity. That is the goal that must record to fire all entrepreneur. the main problems will come by subjects related to the liquidity, because to the being new businesses their products are little mature in the market and the rules of game with their suppliers and clients still are not consolidated. And, therefore, they will own great needs of liquidity to be able to approach everything what they have planned and to do against the contingencies that are arising, that usually is many, first that you must calculate is what initial investment you will need to start. If an entrepreneur is not able to look for and to obtain sufficient resources, or is own or external, that give credibility him to the project, evil begins. Another initial error during the search of resources is to try to finance all the project in one phase.

The problems do not come only in the phase from planning economic-financier, but also in the day to day, when the business has begun to walk. Desconocen the difference between treasury, cost, payment, collection, entrance, benefit, etc. They do not know very well why they serve the basic indicators as rate of return, deadlock, etc. To confuse all those concepts make them get into debt themselves too much being able to get to think that to have much treasury, at a certain time, it means to have many benefits and can begin to spend, when in fact it is not therefore the second point that must make sure is a bottom of sufficient maneuver for the first months of activity, while there are no income. and mainly to avoid the phase angles between the forecast of income and expenses. When they invoice they think that they are going to have the money immediately and perhaps the clients take in paying to them or directly they become weak people. They are ended up to them unsquaring all the numbers and the little money that they have basic of maneuver makes them enter red numbers. Factoring or the Sale of invoices and the sale of inventories, seems to be good exits to this problematic one. If these in the Valley of the Cauca you can look for it like factoring Cali and if you have invoices that you can negotiate, you obtain very good alternatives in Factoring Colombia. It is important to organize of suitable way the accounts to receive, inventories and accounts to pay to be able to facilitate the liquidity at the moment at which it is needed. It always prioritizes to have money at the hand, although it affects a little your yield.


We go works with one of the most famous personages of the world: Enesto Rafael woollen Guevara Serna, more known as Che Guevara, was the socialist revolutionary celebrity of century XX. Argentine, was born in the city of the Rosary in 14 of June of 1928. He was born in a family of good social conditions; since infancy he suffered with asmas and for recommendations he medicates if he moved for other regions of Argentina. In the adolescence he was stimulated by the parents to read books of the library, was in this phase that Che entered in contact with socialist literature (Marx, Engels and Lnin). As the businesses of the family he was not very well, Che he decides to work to the 14 years of age, without wide the studies, obtained a job in the camera next the city to Crdoba; soon after Che Guevara starts to attend a course medicine; I obtained at this time a job in a typography. It also made voluntary work in a research institution sexual that was implanted in the end of World War II, in way to this process, had started estudantis movements of protest against the Argentine government of Pern Sundays. In 1951, in the company of the friend Alberto Granado, Che initiates a motorcycle trip to know the situation politics, social and economic of Latin America; he visited some regions devoid as, for example: mines and have covered, town aboriginal and leprosrios. He was impressed with the misery and pssimas conditions of life of the layers poor of the society. In the year of 1953, it was formed in medicine and it returned for Argentina; however it started to dedicate to the world of the politics; in this exactly year Che promoted a new trip for Bolivia, Peru, Panama, Colombia, Equator, Costa Rica, saving El and Guatemala. In them you enumerate trip carried through for Che, it knows Hilda Gadea and with it had the first Hildita son.

Correctly Generate Presence

To transmit clear messages and with naturalness for the entrepreneurs who are in line he is one of the factors that approach plus them the success of their projects, is truth that the used techniques and methods we are doing to expose it is important but the form in that we are setting out our message, the form in which we expressed ourselves is the essence than we transmitted, expressed of another form, is what they take our visitors or prospectuses from our business; and clear on it the sales will depend much more that they obtain. At the moment with the height of social means, the presence of the entrepreneurs as much in Twitter as in facebook becomes something forced and is here where we must put special attention in the form who we communicated our message, in this article I want to share some tipts to do it of the best possible way and that it obtains the results that we hoped: – To persuade without forcing: A correct message does not try to force to its readers to whom they do not create or in doing something that does not wish to do. When we published our message we do not have to forget the amiability, the courtesy and giving thanks; we do not try to use our messages, mainly in the beginning, to make publicity or a direct sale; we consider that first is to later create a relation with our friendly or followers and if, to suggest, to advise or to show what we want to promote. – Tact: One talks about the correct election of means, tools and strategies that we use to achieve our objective, we must use the different techniques to manage to fuse social means with our voluntary pages of subscription, for example; so that a visitor to our profile can choose to follow to us and simultaneously also him the option can be presented/displayed to subscribe to a certain bulletin for its later pursuit.

Fundamental Aspects

As far as the analysis, it exists elaboration or comparative search of statistics, tables. (to see: 4 Fundamental Aspects of the Investigation of Markets) 7 steps to carry out the IM. 1.Identificacin of the problem. That is to say, that I want to know with my investigation. Example: Who is my I publish objective? , Which is the viability of my product or service in the market? Who are the competitors? 2.Planteamiento of objective. The previous questions become action. Example: To define the market segment at which I want to arrive. To know the viability my product or service in the market To identify to the competition.

to 3.Determinar training group. To that group in specific focuses the study to realise. It is necessary to know data like: general characteristics: demographic variations, economic conditions; size, habits, location. Example: A sample would study, (a representative part of the universal object of study), that consists of: All the people subscribed in this year page Web. to 4.Elegir sources of intelligence.

Resorting to the resources that will give the data me of my interest. Example: Secondary source: Consultation of statistics in Internet on visits page Web. 5.Seleccin of tools and instruments to successfully obtain data. Once they are known the objectives and sources q will give the data of my investigation, and the training group me. One selects the tools to use, can be questionnaires, leaves of registry of the successfully obtained information. 6.Anlisis of the data. When to process the secured data. The use of comparative, graphical tables, codes to facilitate the interpretation and grouping of data is suggested. 7.Organizacin of results and conclusions. Here are the most important aspects of your study. The answers to your initial questions and the correspondence between each one of the objectives that considered at the beginning and the information that was obtained. Obtn conclusions of your comparisons, and observes tendencies in the statistics. With one IM realised correctly, with dedication, the success brings back to consciousness and of your business this insured. Hayde Quijano Related Articles: 4 Fundamental Aspects of the Investigation of Markets Relevance of the Investigation of Markets original Author and source of the article.

Dominion Name

What is a dominion name and where to register it? A dominion name is an alias for a direction IP. Now, what is a direction IP? A direction IP is a numerical code that represents where to look for the content through Internet. An example of a direction IP is Instead of to write in a direction IP long and easy to forget, a name of dominion him aid to write a name easy to remember to accede to the lodging servant Web of the site. For example, is a dominion name that aims at a specific direction IP. People can remember a name of much more easy dominion like that a long numerical code. The dominion names are everywhere since they are used on a daily basis.

It thinks about the sites search Google and Yahoo!, both have their corresponding names of dominion and. If sometimes he has sent an electronic mail, then you have used a dominion name. For example to to send an electronic mail to, is the dominion name. Now that we have one better understanding of the dominion names, we can choose a dominion name and register it. The name of dominion chosen for a Web site can be a very important decision for the commercialization of the business in Internet. It is very easy to say that it only must choose a dominion that everybody can remember and it already is. In the majority of the cases it is that simple and it already is on way to register the dominion. Nevertheless, sometimes the dominion name that wishes already has been registered.

And then you must think about a secondary name that she wishes to use that he is as pegadizo as first. , now he has chosen the dominion name well that wishes. What follows? You need to choose a supplier to register the dominion name. There are many suppliers of webhosting and dominions that register but do not offer no other type on watch. We recommended to him visits the page of to obtain data of our services of dominion. Good luck with its process of dominion registry and its beginning of commercialization in line! Obtn the Best Design Web for a Successful page Web for your Company or Business. 1001 Source Now contacts an Executive 01800 632: Note of Press sent by israelpoblano.

Internet Marketing

In order to be able to have income in Internet marketing we must firstly have visitors to ours blog and as it is obtained this by means of the traffic generation and now this can be or paid traffic or gratuitous traffic. We speak of the paid traffic and esque to this is known him with the name of paid traffic segmented and is where it is put to banner in blog that this ralacionado to your niche, can be in blogs, forums etc. and this it is the segmented traffic. Now different companies from Payment By Click exist like which they are: PPC of Google? PPC of Yahoo? PPC of MSN? PPC of Ask and among others but used are the previous ones. Now we see an example of the self-financed proposal: For example I want to have paid traffic and this he is the segmented one and that can be measured and I must now banner or an announcement by click I am going to pay we suppose is an example 0.15 then USD thinks that the page of capture of ours blog has a 25% of conversion that is to say, of which by each 100 visitors which they arrive page of capture is equal to 25 then prospectuses if estaria is 100 visitors estaria paying to 15 Then USD each prospectus costandome ,60 cents of USD because those are 15 USD that I am paying between the 25 prospectuses and then nonvisitors the cost of each prospectus serious of,60 cents of equal USD osseous,060 by 25 prospectuses to 15 USD that I am going to pay. Now if I have 400 visitors tendria that to pay to 60 equal USD because 400x.15USD to 60 then USD tendria 100 prospectuses because 400 visitors by 25% of conversion of the page of equal capture to 100 prospectuses and each prospectus serian costaria me,60 cents of USD because they are 60 equal USD between 100 Prospectuses to,60 cents of USD and if I have a product that it selvage in 47 USD and I have two sales tendria a gain of 94 USD except the 60 USD of PPC tendria a gain of net of 34 USD. But it takes in that you have here already to 100 prospectuses and that these prospectuses can be turned into clients if you follow the process of email marketing that explains previously. This is literally in the market Anglo-Saxon is but expensive the estariamos PPC speaking around of 2,5 USD in future PPC otherwise in Spanish until right now does not estan so high the costs of PPC in Spanish this is an advantage to be able to generate traffic paid by means of the self-financed proposal.

Metas Information

Not only it will transform his mind, with the powerful information contained in the book, will equip also it with an enormous one to be able to determine his destiny, his life and happiness. The Secret of the Power of Metas, will teach to construct powerful goals to him that were materialized automatically. The book presents/displays so powerful techniques, that you will not have another option that to become rich. And the best thing of everything, this will happen, of automatic and fast form. It is not convinced? It seems too good to be truth? The majority of the people accepts, willingly, economic information on falls of stock-market, depressions, catastrophes and epidemics, but they are not able to think that they can become rich, following simple steps. The truth is that all can become rich, millionaire, if they follow simple steps and they take control of correct information. Bacon wrote that the knowledge is to be able. Andrew Corentt, says that the suitable knowledge is to be able.

There is knowledge that is sweepings: gadgets, the news on stupidities, etc. You will not become rich if she reads every day on crimes, losses in stock-market, and other negative and pessimistic things that seem in the news. Again, in this case, the Secret of the Power of Metas him aid to become rich. This book owns a so powerful information on as to literally become rich and independent from the outer events, that its life will become. It cannot read this book and continue being the same. It cannot read this book and practice it and not become rich. Its subconscious mentality will become so radically that the wealth will arrive at its life of so fast form that you will have to move quickly to spend it. The information, the techniques, the guides, the examples, presented/displayed in the Secret of the Power of Metas, is so effective, that you will ask yourself since she had not seen the truth before, the opportunities. The opportunities, the wealth, the happiness will follow, it and you will be able to do what she makes happy. Although it seems to him incredible, all the people are not ready to be rich, happy and powerful.

Alternative Management

Different types exist from investment funds, next we will review the exact definitions according to the dictionary ibercaja in bottoms and their attributes. We will begin to establish that they exist around 20 different types from investment funds. Next we will see most important. FIAMM or Investment fund in Assets of the Monetary Market is the bottom in which assets of monetary market are reversed, which talks about less to assets of fixed rent with a maturity date of 18 months or. FII or Real estate Investment fund that is the bottom in which it is reversed exclusively in the real estate sector or are the commercial houses, premises, offices, etc. FIM or Moving Investment fund that is the bottom that invests in negotiable values or to short or long term. Cumulative bottom or of Capitalization is the basic type in which all the interests and dividends are reinverted. Bottom of Bottoms is the bottom where the patrimony in participation of other investment funds is reversed normally.

Bottoms of Pensions are the bottom where there is a patrimony that orchestrates a plan of pensions with an investment policy especially. Bottom of Fixed Rent is the bottom that invests in rent fixes public and/or private on credit at national or international level or, generally greater to a year. One is in Letter of the Treasure, Bonds, Obligations of the State, etc. Bottom of Variable Rent is the bottom where it is reversed in action of companies or to national or international level. Bottom of Distribution is the bottom where it comes to the distribution between the participants from the interests and dividends that the same investment of that bottom generates. Dynamic bottom is the bottom that is based on one metodologaa that is based on the yield in absolute terms, where assumes certain risk by means of arbitration strategies in the short term to try a little more yield on a reference. Guaranteed bottom is the bottom that consists of the guarantee of the totality of the inverted capital and its yield according to the stock-exchange index or basket of action. Geographic bottom is the bottom that centers its investments in a certain geographic area.

Or a country, or continent. Global bottom is the bottom that diversifies to its investments in diverse economic sectors and geographic zones. Indicated bottom is the bottom where the composition of the portfolio responds to the composition of values of a determined stock-exchange index. Mixed bottom is in which it is reversed at the same time in rent fixes and variable rent. It depends on the proportion inverted in each is possible to be had mixed bottoms of rent fixes (when it is more of 70% of the portfolio in assets of fixed rent) or bottoms mixed of variable rent (that is when it is had more of a 30% and until a 75% in variable rent or action. Sectorial bottom is the basic type that invests in companies that belong to the same economic sector. Bottom of Alternative Management is the bottom where speculative values using of arbitration are reversed highly technical. Most important it is the flexibility in the management of his assets. Now that you know the types more well-known and attractive investment funds, you have the tools to decide upon what basic type agrees to invest your money to you following which you look for to win, which you prefer to risk and what you must to invest.