For Locke if it does not have to modify the Natural laws, because these rights are capable to create the harmony and social peace. They are deriving questions since the existence of the man in establishing norms of social convivialities. In the current days, it notices if, exactly that the social contract total positivado, with hypothesis some intervenes with the basic principles, as the freedom, the right the natural life, and other aspects. Already for Rousseau, the nature state is a situation of inaquality, which had to the social and economic differences, and therefore that it ratifies the importance of the social contract to rescue these rights that in many cases are deficient or inexistent. One of the main reasons of Rousseau in the defense of the social contract relates if ' ' servitude or escravido' ' that they could be practised for that they withheld of the power. Bringing for the present, and of a general way, all the workers are in service and enslaved, the difference is the type of less arduous work and. It is a servitude and differentiated slavery of some passed years, therefore beyond the remuneration, he is not obligator if sociological questions (diffuse sanctions imposed for the society for the individual that does not work) not to intervine.
But it does not have no worker who is free, same the autonomous worker, therefore he is imprisoned to the work, depends on it to survive. The work, at the same time frees, therefore it of the conditions to survive, but it arrests at the same time it, therefore it depends on it. Analyzing historically other innumerable events that despertaram the curiosity of studious, also Rousseau, below is described in few words that express to the concern of the author. It is called servitude to the condition of the peasants in the feudal period. The servants were the workers who were tied with the land, forming the social classroom lower of the feudal society.