Finance Sector

The initiative has for itself to call the attention for the importance the collection and discarding of materials you recycle, in function of the amount of the raw material leftovers that reaproveitada would produce great amount of plastics generating new products to the market. An area destined for installation of a mechanical mill, the triturao of this reused material, generating new raw material for the consumption. After area of study of this enterprise, being that set free for the financial sector, it still passes for approval of the direction for its execution. This material of the leftovers and the recycled ones will be stored in metallic dumps-cart for disposal of the production.

The plastics is material synthetic polymers of the great flexibility of easy modeling through heat and pressure and substance cousin of the most varied objects. Being generally of the oil, they possess mixture complex and different temperatures of boiling, possible to separate them through the destillation process or craqueamento. Its characteristics of fusing or melting are divided in two groups in accordance with called thermoplastic and termorrgidos. The plastic originates from the Greek, its discovery was for the development of the system of vulcanization for Charles Goodyear in 1839, adding sulphur to the rude rubber. According to Schonbein (1846), the creation of the nitrocelulico, with addition of sulfuric acid and acid nitric to the cotton. The celluloid was developed, with addition of the camphor, this new product became substance cousin in the manufacture of photographic films, balls of sinuca, plates you would teethe and balls of drip pongue. The bakelite was the first synthetic polymer being able to be considered the first plastic created in 1909 for Leo Baekeland, it was the result of the reaction between phenol and formaldehyde became if useful for the hardness, resistance to the heat and the electricity.


Be honest with yourself. If you want to say your problem boldly out loud or write down on paper, but then leaf burn. Second, now in your mind there is a well-defined problem and thus motivation to solve it. Create yourself a clearly stated goal of your desires, that is what you actually want to achieve and write it down, he said aloud. If you know exactly what you want, then your brain will be much easier to solve its task, that’s what is needed clarity formulation. Third, find some time to dream about their future happiness, imagine that you have with your loved one and as you well with it, enjoy these thoughts.

But not for long, otherwise you’ll have a painful feeling that this is not. And the present and enjoy my thoughts to for the emergence of the fierce desire and effort to move forward towards your goals. Fourth, you have a clear goal, a great desire and of course the strength to move. It remains only to keep in mind constantly in motion on toward its goal, that is, you have come to think or plan, you immediately tested them in real life. If you stay, you will come back to the painful sensation of desire.

Or if you think too much, think a lot of plans, but do not check them in reality the same thing happen. Set a rule of thumb: think – did, and of course try to stick to it. Now you have everything you need for success – a goal, a great desire to achieve power, it remains only to act. Many people do not take seriously the plans succeed, but in vain, take any famous book on how to be successful and you will find something similar. We are all human, we all have a Soul, mind, consciousness, subconscious mind, for many years the great scientists have studied these features and vyvili patterns allowing work to make our internal systems efficiently. All that remains to do is to use all this knowledge for their own benefit, that we often simply laziness.

House Plumber

Before this, at the time when I close my Office and I retire to go to my house (by the way I do) step two blocks from the House of appliances. And at that time something inside me tells me to go to verify if what I was told from Bs As. It was true. They were 20hs. passes and was missing an hour to the close of this business. I go to the same and ask to speak with the Manager: 7th match negative: I convey everything that had happened and I find with surprise that knew nothing of the change from plumber and that authorisation had come but on behalf of the former plumber. Therefore ask the Manager to call Bs. As.

(when they had said that they contacted the Manager actually had done so only with the head of reservoir and the change of data of the plumber had not materialized). Made the call and at my insistence is finally reported the change of data of the plumber and ask that before this be informed also the head of deposit (so that in that way were two individuals having knowledge of the operation), to prevent another coincidence, that when the next day was my plumber, if the Manager circumstantially not present at that time, avoid thereby the Thermo was not delivered. 8Th match negative: this height seemed a professional Boxer because he was dodging one after another negative matches coming me to hit me one after another without break. However it still lacked the last. Before I go in the room wanted to verify which was the thermos brand X who had bought and I find that the Thermo had informed to deliver was actually mark and. Because I could not believe it, imagine if the next day my plumber who had order to withdraw a thermos of brand X has had found with that change.

Design Functionality

A world of possibilities in the design of online stores thanks to the features and functionality that allow you to customize your web site or your shop, or both, from the Panel of administration of Magento. We have already seen that one of the main features of Magento is the capacity that offers to manage multiple online stores, URLs, in different languages. You may not need to use this functionality but your online store can grow and at a given moment you are interested to cross borders because the fact of selling in other countries does not involve the difficulty that some believe, is easier than it seems and Magento will follow where you go. Magento is composed of a series of modules that have been created by a community of developers that certify each new functionality to be added to the program. The Basic program that we download contains a nucleus in which are the main program files and that they should never be handled to avoid losing stability, that the program stops working or that they can not be installed updates. However, its a software open source, if the program extensions to measure, can be developed that is, small programs with a specific functionality can be designed to respond to a specific need and our tailored, either we can install any of the many extensions already created and tested.

It is true that they may arise problems or security bugs or errors of any particular functionality as with any other software, or open source or not, free of payment, but the Magento community responds quickly and remedied mistakes quickly, either with patches or developing new extensions to make your shop more stable online (Criacao websites) (Desenvolvimento websites). Extensions or modules represent an additional advantage to this kind of programs. Thus, you can add new means of payment to your web site, you have extensions to add multimedia files, control the meta tags from our online store, create custom interactive galleries with photos our products, extensions to add logistics companies, for control and order tracking, tools for advertising and marketing, analysis, optimization, and performance in terms of the issues that are involved in the creation and visual design of your online shop, Magento allows you to load multiple themes to customize your online business. Some are already by default assigned to an interface but this is true in the majority of programs (web hosting). What makes other software Magento is the possibility of charging a Non-Default theme that will allow us to customize the interface of our shop according to very specific needs, such as a change of season, a campaign of summer or Christmas, and give a temporary look different from our online store. This is a reality thanks to the possibility of modifying the structural blocks and visual content that provides Magento design online stores.

Virtual Classroom

Weirich is more accurate when it raises creativity not only can be taught, but it can also be learned. Management in the present must definitely be creative, more to the characteristics of the current scenarios where change, proactivity this manifest, forcing management to be prepared to deal with them, give way to actions, plans that favor him, using a creativity in everything what they guarantee know how to interpret the reality of the present, give way to actions that will ensure the company succeed. Requires creativity .as says, not only to solve problems or aspects which adversely affect the company, but to inquire about new management approaches that enable search, build or seize opportunities to survive and thrive, taking in what has, which according to studies, we are not beyond of ten per cent of our creative ability. This, that is regrettable on a personal level, in businesses is dangerous, since a modern organization operating in open and competitive markets permanently requires innovative ideas, changes, innovations, developing plans and original decisions, etc. And all this just has to do with creativity. Thanks to advances in knowledge of the creative thinking and its processes, today is able to design strategies to overcome blockages originating both from a personal and organizational level, that they are slowing the creative development and foster skills through which people and institutions can achieve higher levels of creativity, capacity that we all possess, but that for various reasons we do not exploit in all its magnitude, and by contrast, conscious or unconsciously, ahogamos it in our companies (pay you for work, not to think) * different Web pages Chair in marketingVirtual Classroom, program quality and producvidad management specialty, Area of graduate program Faces, UC original author and source of the article.


So much for the entrepreneur as for businessman or experienced professional seeking innovative alternatives to reduce office costs and expenses that ensure you the profitability of your business, a good alternative is the combination of labour at home and at the client’s Office, for which is ideal to hire the services of a virtual office over a mobile phone (iPhone(, Blackberry and Windows mobile). The economic crisis that we have just experienced in 2009, left a learning very interesting about the application of methodologies to simplify structures which desburocratizaran processes, this re-engineering is that allowed that companies who well understood survive and entrepreneurs or small entrepreneurs who applied all his creativity to circumvent a year with a very complicated economy and poor sales. During the reduction of costs and expenses of the companies processes a large amount of jobs were eliminated and only hired or retained personnel with potential to add value to the company.This situation brought about the disintegration of support areas that are not part of the core business (core business), increasing third party services (outsourcing). This experience came to encourage the theory which is cheaper to buy outside to inside. Entrepreneurs and small business owners for not staying out of the market as an opportunity see the possibility of offering goods and services to medium-sized or large enterprises, requiring all their creativity and innovation. In order to increase their profitability, companies are every time more demanding on the quality and price of the goods or services you are buying, this in addition to creating a competition every time more at odds between providers, obliges them be more efficient searching for alternatives for reducing costs, forcing them to explore and take advantage of any technological opportunity.

Hence, a good alternative is the virtual company, where members are in continuous communication, using a mobile phone or in their homes or offices of the customer by Internet, through your laptop and using the service from a virtual office as a meeting hub to receive and deliver correspondence or address the legal and fiscal affairs of the business. This way of working without Office, came to revolutionize the schema of the firm in which the professional or entrepreneur catered to their clients and suppliers. This scheme allows you to start your day of work from home with a steaming hot cup of coffee and via email or mobile phone coordinating the activities of the day. Eliminating its expenditure budget income of the Office, Secretariat, light, maintenance, cleaning, etc. However by the novelty that represents this new way of working, it is very important that explain and persuade customers, suppliers and people that is made, the benefits and business benefits of this scheme of work and that this expenditure savings has a direct effect on the prices of goods or services supplied. Eliminate the uncertainty that might occur before the question of where are your offices? It can be the difference between the success or failure of a business. I recommend that you consult the site which has a very appropriate concept for this Office scheme.

Front Office

In my opinion, this component of Back Office is even more critical than the component’s Front Office that we will see now. If not you account with an area of support to carry out these functions and which is capable of organizing and processing the information that is generated in the business processes, can be sailing adrift. The second key component in projects of SFA corresponds to what we call the Front Office. It consists of the processes of business, sales staff, data and technological tools used in field work that the seller performs. Some of the activities in this process are: planning of the coverage of the territory of clients identification of sales opportunities in that territory sales methodologies (transactional, advisory, relational, etc.) Implementation of contact and visits development opportunities of business development strategies of the relationship with the client information capture of the market and competition record of activities and time investment in productive results one of the serious problems that you have with this kind of initiatives, is that if not this well conceived and the seller do not see clearly is the benefit, not to adopt the use of processes and implemented technologies. This occurs when the Directorate implement processes and technology with the aim of controlling and do detailed monitoring of the activities of the seller. As I said once a vendor; This that we have to manage is an electronic shackle.

It is impossible that an improvement in business productivity strategy can be effective if there is commitment and the active participation of the sales force. They are the first who must demonstrate the benefit that an initiative of SFA has for its productivity and as a result their results and revenue. If a seller demonstrates that with the use and implementation of new processes and techniques in their day to day work that this represents him to improve their results, rest assured that adopt such changes. On the other hand, if I see it as more controls, more reports, more work that does not lead to beneficial results for the, it will reject the topic and therefore their initiative can failing. For Front Office component meets its mission, it is necessary: having processes well-defined of contact with prospects and customers managed by the sales force put at the disposal of the seller of quality information and complete so that it can develop its contacts with clients and prospects, facilitate the process of handling this information and run the recommended processes have clarity in measurement methodology for the management of the seller show customer with tangible facts as this change benefits the fact of developing business relationships with our company ensure that the sales force is more in touch with their customers and prospects and less in the Office doing administrative work finally there is a recommendation that I always do in these processes. In an initiative of SFA first thing that needs to be reviewed are the expectations and needs of the sellers and customers. Based on these needs and expectations, build its initiative of SFA. Don’t do it like many companies do. They build their SFA initiatives based on the needs of the General direction and the direction of sales, unfortunately the majority of these initiatives fail.

Aplu Field Marketing

Aplus Field Marketing presented its new offices in the city of Madrid Aplus Field Marketing Agency pioneering in actions of Field Marketing in Spain, presented last Thursday 22 January their new offices in the city of Madrid, very close to the famous Plaza de Toros de Ventas, Calle Villafranca, 6 Duplex Loft 2. During the presentation, Diego Olmedilla, Executive Chairman and Elena Martin, Director General, offered a cocktail its closest clients, and friends who accompanied them on that special day. Among them, major directors of Centro de Estudios Financieros, Gigatrust, Recoletos group, Lilly laboratories, doctors of the world, Popular Party, Sogecable, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I, Varma, Vodafone, Yell (yellow pages) attendees could appreciate the modern and innovative decoration of new facilities, developed based on avant-garde concepts and latest trends in decoration. The inauguration of these new and spacious offices confirmed the objective of the Agency to offer a better service to its customers and to be able to continue expanding their departments. About Aplus Field Marketing, S.L. Aplus is a Field Marketing agency focused to meet the needs of communication and image and sales of enterprises. Aplus Field Marketing Professional uniqueness based on three fundamental characteristics: knowledge and experience of its management team, the most appropriate human resources for commercial image area selection, actions at the point of sale and events and the implementation of a reporting system online that allows to visualize all a campaign-specific information in a structured and synthetic manner. Aplus Field Marketing develops a wide diversity of field actions: mystery shoppers, coordination and support events, brand communication at the point of sale, launching new products, data recording, call-center or audit at point of sale.

Virtual Office Bienvenids

The number of companies that offer virtual employment, or telecommuting, in Spain and Latin America, is greater every day. But there are still those who choose the traditional system, either by the nature of their work, preference of its executives, or simply fear take a step towards the future. Something similar happened with physical mail, which can be chaotic and little precise by nature, and the e-mail, whose worst delay may be only a few minutes. Virtual employment is one of the greatest benefits that the Internet has brought to humankind, giving opportunities to millions of people who previously had no access to many benefits. Although in United States and some European countries virtual employment is already common, in Spanish-speaking countries still it is a novelty, which continually gaining more fans by the efficiency of its results, and saving resources for businesses. There are those who still think that earn money online, work online from home and teleworking are English-speaking people. The truth is United States there in a market of around 40 million Spanish speakers who prefer to communicate in their mother tongue.

This implies that any company that wants to reach this market must speak the same language. Daily, offers virtual employment who have interest in working in this way. In addition, Latin America and Spain have traditionally closely followed trends in the North American market, and they have proven the benefits of their strategies. This is why that, labour markets, of supply and demand of products and services, will be huge in a short time. There are several specializations in high demand in the growing world of virtual employment. The most requested are usually those related to the development of computer applications, graphic design, and specializations of marketing, as the marketing for social networks, marketing, Internet, and virtual assistants.

The best paid are undoubtedly those relating to marketing because they give great benefits to the companies, who soon see increases in their sales online and receive a greater number of visits to your Web pages. People who specialize in marketing careers are the best paid, and of course, their services are frequently used. You can not only be working on the network. Here there are many opportunities for entrepreneurs. Naturally, there to learn the secrets of the Internet, dive into the entrails of the monster to find out how it works. The training is crucial for entrepreneurs. Keep up to date with the trends in technology and market strategies, is essential if we want to go far. As Spanish speakers, we have a good advantage, because we know the preferences and customs of our market. In Latin America and Spain, there is a market with enormous potential for every entrepreneur of the 21st century. Success depends on training, persistence, and always a step forward, because the future has arrived and is here to stay. Written by Dr. Carmen Delia Ortiz, founder of wise Partners, Inc., a company that empowers latinos for success in the digital economy.

Cloud Computer

The leading company in management software for law firms and consultants,, has been working for years in a virtual office for professional solution. This solution consists of a management application for professionals in the cloud, a solution’s website, and an extranet for client access. The solution designed by allows you to improve efficiency and image to the client, allowing to differentiate from the competition and offering a unique service to its customers. This solution is available from 24.95 EUR per month, and is the fruit of the experience and the work of in the field of law firms and consultants. The advantages that brings Cloud Computer software solution for lawyers and advisers, are very large, not only by the price which is very low but because the ease of handling makes that it can use the application from anywhere, and provide a top quality service to clients. Sudespacho.NET is a leading company in management solutions for law firms and consultants, provides software services for lawyers, software for consultants, website for offices, online, electronic invoice backup and adaptation to the regulations of data protection, being the first company launched Solutions Web software for law firms and consultants in the cloud in 2003.