Tag Archives: media & communication

New Print Medium In North-East Brunswick

The place mirror is an informative newspaper mainly for the districts of Volkmar ODE, DIB-besdorf and Toronto; It is reported but also about ‘national’ issues. PLACE mirror newspaper reported since July 2009 comprehensively, promptly and citizen-oriented activities, events and dates of clubs, associations, churches, schools and other associations of Volkmar ODE, Dibbesdorf, and Toronto. There are certainly a lot of interesting things from Volkmar Ode to report Dibbesdorf and Toronto. Ebay will undoubtedly add to your understanding. But nobody has done it so far. To read more click here: Dan Zwirn. That has changed since July 2009. “” Once the necessary conditions have been created, co-editor of the Volkmar Ode bring Michael Koch, a village on the outskirts of the city of Brunswick”, Hans-Georg Backhoff, hgbcon – PR consulting” and Rudolf Hampe, holder of printer onken graphic workshop “the place mirror newspaper with information for Volkmar ODE, Dibbesdorf and Toronto out.

So far there are no print medium, which comprehensively in these districts with almost 7000 inhabitants promptly and citizen-oriented schools and other associations has reported about activities, events and dates of local clubs, associations, churches,. The paper appears 3.0%and every second month, has a circulation of about 4,000 copies, reached about 10,000 citizens and citizens and is provided free of charge to, or interpreted. With the local level clubs, parties, schools should us other associations but also firms, companies and professionals receive, up-to-date about your products, services, and opportunities to inform a regional platform. “The local mirror wants to inform first and foremost, communicate with the readers, are looking for a lively dialogue and in this way last but not least the effect of feeling” in the three districts to strengthen! With the living here citizens as partners, inspiration and informants, we want to always keep the local mirror at current levels. The local level is financed by advertising. He is free to readers. Certainly some people like “Advertising as annoying” and intrusive “feel; nevertheless consider the positive elements, because advertising is located close – you can learn so mainly about trade and change”from its immediate surroundings. What does the local mirror now specifically? The local mirror is located near written, so you can see the newspaper, what’s in the neighborhood”happens. Although the local mirror is mainly intended for districts Volkmar ODE, Dibbesdorf, and Toronto, also regional issues be treated or addressed.

Wagner design Award Germany

Interview with filmmaker Jan Reiff, bar Vinya awarded film is specified by the design, the highest German renowned Council design award Germany. You can not apply for this award. It is nominated. As recently as the image film world of Wagner. He produced film in Ohlsbach by filmmaker Jan Reiff with his bar Vinya for Wagner system in Lahr, Schwarzwald. He can be seen on the website of the company, world of Wagner”is an emotionally touching short film with many special effects fish smile, shelves seem to build, plants move as if by magic. Already with the international economy film award silver Victoria “award, he is now the design award Germany” on.

Lutz Dietzold of the rat fur Formgebung”congratulated to the nomination as follows: a competition which does not differentiate between communication and product design, but between class and world class. As a participant in the design award Germany 2012, you play in the Champions League. This shows who is shaping the future. “That’s what Jan Reiff is known. He produced stunning Hollywood movies, video clips and commercials that surprise the audience, convince and scare, amuse and, that surprised many: produced in Ohlsbach in Baden Ortenau.

Jan Reiff calls the reasons. “” “After years as a Director and writer of TV productions such as the Harald-Schmidt-show”the clown “, Egan and Stephen” and the rotation of numerous music videos and action scenes for alarm fur Cobra 11″you are film with your bar Vinya” pulled back in the Ortenau. What did you do this?”it was about 6 years ago. After 7 years of Dusseldorf / Cologne, it was time for a change. And while bold, but ultimately appealing and also successful was the idea to set up a film production in the black forest. Shot we have media, Europa Park rust Hilzinger Mondi GmbH, Rodenberg AG, Printus, Freyersbacher, Forster, Edeka for example for Hubert Burda Mr.