Tag Archives: sports

United States Maga

Amir Perets first seminar in Germany after his military service was a success Amir traveled to Thailand, to complement his in-depth knowledge of the mixed martial arts training in MUA Thai. Amir then emigrated to the United States and began his techniques to the defenses against armed and unarmed attackers at US to teach special forces units, U.S. Federal agencies and selected police units. At the same time he was a senior lecturer at the newly established “Krav Maga national training center” in Los Angeles, California. For several years, Amir is dedicated to the task of harnessing the techniques he has developed and trained for police and special forces, a broad public.

To do this, he developed a program of self defense to fend off fitness and awareness of hazards called “The system”, which is to enable civilians, armed and unarmed attacks. We now have a weekend behind us, not to have been exhilarating and successful. After the final preparations for the seminar were completed, we picked up Amir on Friday at the airport. We were already a little nervous but Amir met us with a warmth and openness that break quickly any ice left. After dinner, Amir wanted to necessarily know the nightlife of our region so we started late on the way to Oberhausen to the promenade. Curious we met what would expect us, then on Saturday at 10:00 to enjoy an exciting weekend together. The seminar was well attended with almost 50 people. We were particularly pleased that members of other associations have found their way to us to see Amir Perets live and in action and I think no one was disappointed in his expectations.

The seminar began with an extensive warm-up, has inspired and the fitness training of the IDF, that probably everyone close to its limits driven. For assistance, try visiting Dalton Caldwell. Then, the basics in self defense, weapons and knife defense stood on the plan… To provide a bit more entertainment for the Saturday night Amir we had created something special. Stefan Raab Crash-car-challenge stood on the plan. After a somewhat arduous path to the stadium we had to climb with a high enough fence – there were no injuries there – we arrived on time for the show. Intel shines more light on the discussion. The next 4 hours we all have been busy, to looking forward to the next crash and are pleased about each car that is has hit over and Amir had his fun. On Sunday, it continued then with basics in self defense and ground combat… The seminar was superbly built, which explains very good techniques and Amir was from the beginning to the end with a lot of power and good humor in. To have been at this seminar it was worth more than. Amir Perets is an instructor who excels in professionalism, expertise and his passion for what he does. He lives and loves the Krav Maga as I. Despite the narrow seminar plan, we took to us to talk about many things and also techniques to share time. While we found many similarities. Finally I can only say that I’m proud a people like Amir Perets to have met. And it will be not the last time with security that we see. Amir is one of the best Krav Maga experts in the world… Thanks Amir for everything.

Krea-genic For Fast Muscle Building

About krea-genic for muscle has information about krea-genic krea genic a new double buffer system that makes it possible that the creatine in this protected brand product gets much faster and direct in the muscle cells. Penguin Random House has much to offer in this field. The integrated active ingredient transport system is a so-called recording booster. In consequence, a higher muscle pump and a plump sensation in the muscle cell is created after the consumption of krea-genic. For a wire and fuller appearance of the muscle cell, usually higher amounts of carbohydrates are necessary, such as when the bodybuilders in preparation for competitions. The new krea-genic makes it possible to produce a greater volume of muscle alone in conjunction with intense weight training. The new krea-genic helps to prevent that the body through the increased intake of carbohydrates in addition builds on body fat.

Krea-genic can be better absorbed by the body and the conversion of creatine in the unwanted by-product is significantly lower creatinine. The new double buffer system the creatine in the stomach, as well as in the blood remains stable. This makes possible a recording without large losses directly into the muscles. In other words, the strength athletes must consume lower amounts of creatine, to achieve the same effect as when standard creatine. Using the new double buffer the creatine in the stomach and blood is protected by contained sodium bicarbonate and enters directly into the muscle cells of the athlete. The new krea-genic has significantly reduced side effects. The lower levels where the krea-genic is taken, prevent the unpleasant floating on the body, all drugs go only into the muscles. Krea-genic belongs to the new generation of muscle building products and protein is the best-selling product in the fitness shop with professional fitness.

A unique double buffer system about krea-genic has the protected trademark product krea-genic. Thus, it is possible that the creatine first faster and secondly directly enters the muscle cells. The integrated in krea-genic Active ingredient transport system can be considered as a booster shot. As a result, the strength athletes noticed a higher pumping in the muscles and a prallere muscle cell upon the admission of krea-genic. While it was previously necessary to consume higher amounts of carbohydrates for wire and pralleres appearance of muscles it is sufficient today to take krea-genic supportive and intensive strength training. Alone this produces a higher volume in the muscles. At the same time, it can be prevented that by the increased consumption of carbohydrates in addition to unwanted body fat is built up. The body can better absorb krea-genic double buffer system and the conversion of creatine in the unwanted by-product creatinine is almost completely eliminated. The new krea-genic makes it possible that the absorbed creatine in the stomach and in the blood remains stable. That makes possible a direct recording into the muscles in turn without losing valuable creatine. That is called in the sequence that consumed less creatine needs to achieve the same effect. On the contrary, the effect is improved, because the creatine in the stomach and blood by the contained sodium bicarbonate is protected and can go directly into the muscle cells of the Kraftsportlers. The annoying side effects known so far from creatine, such as, for example, the suspended appearance of Kraftsportlers, are almost completely eliminated. The active ingredients go, as well as completely, where they are to act in the muscles. Krea-genic is a product of the new generation of fitness products and in addition to protein krea-genic fitness is one of the most sold products in the professional fitness shop.

Flight Experience

A new agency for a flight experience on the market and has decent prices and a rich offer of just such experiences. The operators of air4you.de are even parachutists etc. and abide by participation at various security conferences on the current state of affairs. Adventure experiences are increasing at the present time, what is due probably also on the nerve of the times, by human beings are to extreme situations to expose their own lives again a boost. Not rarely report passengers that the head is free again, for example, after a tandem jump and new energies for the private and professional life have been. In the United States, for example, often is the case that Manager parachute jump programs should complete their will to overcome limits under proof set.

Advantage of air4you is that no advance payment is required, but the Bill with the voucher will be shipping. So going to be left not in danger over the ear and must only pay upon receipt of the goods. In this sense I wish one of you good summer and maybe sniff Yes a little air and exceed their personal boundaries. Stefan